Why Should You Be Checking Your Sewer System?

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JD Precision sewer system services


One day you wake up and you notice something strange in your bathroom drain - it’s not draining as fast as it usually does. While brushing your teeth, you also notice an odd smell in the air that you don’t recognize. When you look up at the ceiling, you also see some mold that you haven’t noticed before.

At first, you ignore the problem. However, as the weeks and months go by you notice that it’s getting worse and worse. So, what’s going on here?

The answer lies beneath what you see every day - in your sewer system. Knowing the signs that you need sewer system services is essential for all homeowners, and that is what this article will help with!

How Does The Sewer System Work?

whatsewersystemAlthough you may not see it running, a sewer system is always working in the background in your home. And while it may seem like a complex series of pipes and lines, it’s actually a pretty simple and straight-forward process.

First, your home gets fresh water through the main water supply line. This water can be used throughout your home for many purposes - the shower, dishwashing machine, kitchen sink, etc.

The water that’s not used for consumption, the wastewater, enters the drain system to be removed from your home. The drain system removes the waste water entirely through the use of gravity, allowing the waste to flow downward through a series of large pipes where it can finally exit towards water treatment centers.

Now, while the sewer system is a relatively simple process, many people overlook maintaining their pipes and drains frequently. Ignoring these routine check-ups can lead to big consequences down the road.

How Often Should You Schedule Sewer Checkups?

sewersystemcheckGet your sewer system checked sooner than later. Professionals recommend that you get your pipes checked every two years to ensure optimal performance. If you ever notice that things are draining slower than usual or you even notice certain smells coming from the pipes, it may be a sign your pipes are clogged!

Get in contact with us at JD Precision Plumbing Services to help you with your plumbing needs. We offer a thorough inspection and maintenance care that can help improve the water flow in your home, prevent ongoing clogs, and keep your plumbing system as healthy as possible.

Your Sewer System Can Impact Your Home

blockedsewersystemA lot of homeowners overlook the consequences of not maintaining their sewer system. Avoid this costly mistake! Small objects, grease, and debris can get stuck in your drain over a period of time.

As more and more things accumulate in your pipes, there can be an obstruction in the flow of water, which can potentially lead to many problems.

For one, stagnant water that has accumulated for a long period of time can emit a foul odor that can spread all throughout the house. Leaking water can also damage the house, causing water stains and discoloration on your walls. Insects, mosquitoes, and other pests can be attracted to the water, bringing with them unwanted germs and diseases.

Your house can also be prone to bacteria, mold, and mildew. If you suspect any problems with your sewer system, don’t wait until it’s too late - you need to take action today and contact JD Precision Plumbing Services to assist you with your plumbing needs.